Jumat, 29 April 2011

Belanja di pasar Loak - Jumat 29 April 2011

Jumat pagi, 29 April 2011 - Aku belanja di pasar loak (buku dan majalah bekas), Jl. Semarang, dekat setasiun Pasar Turi, Surabaya. Kuperoleh majalah-majalah bekas ini, dengan SUPERHERO-SUPERHERO di dalamnya.

Komik GOTHAM "MARVEL PRESENT' menari perhatianku, sebab ada superhero THOR yang beberapa hari lagi film bioskopnya diputar!

Majalah KIDDO, bulan September 2008

Di dalam majalah KIDDO itu, kutemukan Superhero Indonesia ini :



Dan kegiatan tim mereka ke kota Medan dan Balikpapan untuk tampil bersama anak-anak SD di sana.

Juga ada "OKKY JELLY" superhero - Panda

Ada komik superhero GARUDA KID

Kegiatan bersama SWITZAL KIDS

Majalah XY KIDS bekas :

Majalah ZIGMA bekas. Di dalamnya ada Game BATMAN, gambar IRON-MAN, HULK dan GREEN LANTERN.

Buku SMS Multifungsi no 7

Ini buku yang kubeli hari Kamis lalu (28-4-2011) di kios buku Loak, Jl. Rungkut (dekat Rungkut Industri) Surabaya. Cuma Rp. 2000, tapi isinya membuat perutku sakit dan tertawa terpingkal2 di dalam bis kota, sebab isinya banyak kata-kata konyol untuk SMS-SMS yang bisa kita kirim ke teman2!

Alasanku membelinya, jelas : Gambar tokoh SPIDER-MAN di kanan atas, yang mereka comot dari internet dan dipajang di situ.

Selasa, 19 April 2011

Superwoman itu kita - Kapan Lagi dot com

E-mailku menerima newsletter ini, tentang "SUPERWOMAN itu kita".

Sudah bukan jamannya lagi duduk diam di rumah dan hanya memandang langit-langit kamar yang tak pernah berubah. Ini adalah jaman untuk eksis dengan semua kelebihan yang kita punya. Tunjukkan bahwa kita bukan wanita biasa, dengan hal-hal 'girly' yang kita miliki, kita bisa mengubah dunia menjadi lebih baik, seperti 10 'Kartini Masa Depan' berikut ini (Agnes Monica - kolom Woman)

Kartini dengan kebaya dan kain panjang yang memperjuangkan nasib wanita? Sepertinya sudah nggak jamannya lagi. Sekarang, sudah saatnya 'wanita berbicara' lewat sosok-sosok di dunia hiburan yang pantas jadi panutan dan diacungi seribu jempol ini. Siapa aja 'superhero' wanita kita sekarang ya? (Entertainment)


Sangat menyenangkan (sekaligus iri dan ngiler ha ha ha) melihat para penggemar jagoan SUPERMAN ini beraksi di depan kamera. Gak sadar kalau tingkah laku mereka bisa dilihat seluruh penghuni planet BUMI dan para Super-Villain?????

[So fun and jealousy at the same time, when I saw all my friends as Superman's fans in Indonesia acting like this in internet! Visit them at our SUPERMAN FANS OF INDONESIA at Facebook!]

Jumat, 15 April 2011

Thanatos - The Real Superhero Life

There are good reasons to be afraid of the dark, but Thanatos, The Dark Avenger, isn’t one of them. Still, make no mistake—he will not go gently into that good night. Rather, he regularly plunges headlong into a pitched battle he characterizes as “a war for good against evil,” in the whirling vortex that is Vancouver, B.C.’s notorious intersection of Hastings and Main streets.

There are no tourists or sightseers there, no casual passersby. No, this is where the city has rounded up and corralled the disenfranchised, the disillusioned, the despairing men and women for whom life holds little hope beyond the next fix. And there, in that devastating mix of the half-waking, half-dead, Thanatos makes his rounds. Delivering his “bundles” of plastic sheets to protect against the cold and rain, dry socks, jars of peanut butter and jam, perhaps a can of meat that can be opened by hand—the most basic of basic human necessities.

“I’ve always been a person who steps in and does something when it needs to be done,” he says, “I saw that these people had nothing better to live for, something needed to happen, something had to change.”

Visit his complete article here.

Motor Mouth - The Real Superhero Life

He’s all talk. And all action to back it up. He’s Motor Mouth, a Real Life Superhero working in and around the East Bay/San Francisco area in California. From domestic violence in The City’s notorious Tenderloin, to street thugs running rampant in Oakland, to those who prey on the weak and homeless in San Jose, the one thing he never has done—and never will do—is sit idly by, even if it means taking the occasional risk of potentially physical confrontation, as it had recently, when riots broke out on the streets of Oakland after the verdict in the Oscar Grant case.

In July of 2010, violence broke out when Police Officer Johannes Mehsurle was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter—a controversial ruling in a case tinged with serious racial overtones—in the shooting death of an unarmed African American man, Oscar Grant. As the police were deployed to quell the looting and mayhem, Motor Mouth knew he had to do something—and promptly sprang into action. “We went to Oakland, we defended its businesses, we protected its people, and were bold in what we did. The Bay is our home, and we stood our ground and stood up for it.”

Visit his complete article here.

Samaritan - The Real Life Superhero

Every hero has his secrets. But one thing Samaritan makes no secret of is his commitment to caring for children. And for this Real Life Superhero living and working in New York City, that commitment begins with the dawn of every new day.

With a broadly drawn mission, encompassing work with the elderly, the environment, safety patrols, outreach and childhood literacy, Samaritan goes where he is needed most. “I’m looking to touch all bases, and maybe even create some no one has thought of.” And in his ready-for-anything tactical gear, he is doing just that. “For me, these acts of kindness are the province of heroes. Being a hero for me is a battle with my human nature—to put others ahead of myself. It’s a constant struggle that I know I haven’t quite mastered, but I know that when you stop trying, that’s when you lose sight of what you’re about,” he says candidly.

Visit his complete article here.

Nyx - The Real Superhero Life

The night has many faces, but none more intriguing that that of Nyx, a Real Life Superhero who is active in and around the New York City and Northern New Jersey areas. Clad in black, with striped leggings and a distinctive red mask, Nyx sets out to do her patrols and homeless outreach in a mysterious, stealth-like manner. “Like the night, I cannot be proven or disproven to certain degrees; and also much like the night, when morning comes, there will be no trace of me.”

Nyx made her initial, tentative steps into the movement at 16, after considering it for many years (during which time she frequently changed her name—from “Hellcat” to “Felinity” to “Sphynx,” before setting on her present moniker—“I had a penchant for name changes,” she says, simply). A series of life-changing events came to provide her with a new perspective, and helped crystallize her goals. After discovering the active online Real Life Superhero community in 2006, and visiting New York to meet up with her online confidantes on her first patrol in March of 2007, the die was cast.

Visit her complete article here.

Lion Heart - The Real Life Superhero

“Do good,” an African proverb goes, “because of tomorrow.” But Lion Heart, a Real Life Superhero in the West African nation of Liberia, knows he must act today. Because in a nation torn apart by years of civil war and unrest, it takes more than words to make a difference, something he also knows. All too well.

Taken from his parents at an early age, Lion Heart learned the hard lessons of survival—the hard way. And in a daring attempt to be reunited with his family, he made an arduous trek from the countryside to his nation’s capital of Monrovia at the age of 14, and saw the devastation that war and poverty wreaked on his countrymen: tuberculosis, dysentery, death. And as he journeyed across the bush, with its harsh, dry harmattan winds, he knew he had no choice but to act. “I made a vow to God,” he says, “that if he would bring me home, I would go help my people, Help them to live a healthier life.” Which is exactly what he did.

Visit their homepage here.

Urban Avenger - The Real Life Superhero

In the Real Life Superhero community, Urban Avenger stands tall among equals. And for more than the most obvious of reasons. “I’m on patrol, even when I’m not on patrol,” the San Diego, California-based hero states, “even when I’m not in my costume as a visual deterrent for crime, if I see something going down, I will act. Anytime, anywhere.”

As a former victim of crime himself, Urban Avenger always had a strong sense of social justice. And when some of his friends alerted him to the growing movement of creative altruists across America, he was intrigued. “I saw a movie once where someone asked ‘Why don’t more people dress up in costume and help others?’ and I thought ‘Yeah, why not?’,” he says. “And when I looked into it more online, I was so inspired by what I saw, that I knew this was something I had to get in on, something I could do to make a positive contribution to the world. I wanted to go out and actually stop people from being victims of crimes.” And once that seed was planted, there was no stopping its growth.

Visit the complete article here.

The Real Life Superheroes

Ternyata aku tidak sendirian berjuang sebagai Superhero di dunia ini. Ada satu tim di REAL LIFE SUPERHEROES DOT COM.

Mereka adalah :

1. Lion Heart
2. Urban Avenger
3. Nyx
4. Samaritan
5. Motor Mouth
6. Thanatos
7. Razor Hawk
8. Mr. Xtreme
9. The Vigilante Spider
10. Dark Guardian
11. Soundwave and Jetstrom
12. Knight Owl
13. Good Samaritan
14. Citizen Prime
15. DC's Guardian
16. Super Hero
17. Life
18. Master Legend
19. Z
20. Ragensi
21. Motinous Angel
22. Zimmer
23. Death's Head Moth
24. Civitron
25. Phantom Zero
26. Geist
27. Zetaman
28. Knight Vigil
29. The Crimson Fist

Dan, apa kegiatan mereka di kehidupan sehari-hari (rela life) ?

Lion Heart = Clean drinking water is a primary focus of his outreach, attempting to educate villagers of the dangers of drinking and using unclean water.

Urban Patrol = I’m on patrol, even when I’m not on patrol,” the San Diego, California-based hero states, “even when I’m not in my costume as a visual deterrent for crime, if I see something going down, I will act. Anytime, anywhere.”

Beberapa poster di Gallery mereka :

Rabu, 13 April 2011

Superhero di dunia nyata

Sangat mengagumkan, jika ternyata di dunia kita, benar-benar ada SUPERHERO!

Menemukan blog ini, yang "berusaha semaksimal mungkin menjadi yang TERDEPAN dalam menyajikan berita, artikel, gambar dan video, yang ANEH, UNIK, LUCU, GOKIL, MISTERI, dan EXTREME TERUPDATE setiap HARI nya !!!" - itu motto-nya. UNIC DOT 77 DOT COM.

Mereka adalah orang-orang biasa yang menghabiskan waktu luang menolong warga setempat sebagai pahlawan berkostum! Kita sudah menemui sebagian dari mereka di selatan Amerika; inilah sebagian lainnya yang melindungi kota-kota di Midwest.


Beri komentar :

Terima kasih untuk postingan ini. Saya lahir tahun 1968, dan pada tahun 1982-an duduk di SMA. Waktu itu video casette baru muncul di desa saya, dan sangat menghebohkan. Tetapi yg saya sukai adalah filem2 dari Jepang ini, pada waktu itu seperti : VOLTUS V, GOOGLE V, GAVAN, SHARIVAN, dan lain-lain. Kenangan itu membuat saya sangat bersemangat, hingga hari ini.
Oh ya, saya juga memulai mengumpulkan gambar2 superhero asli (dalam bentuk kertas - bukan digital), sejak masa2 itu. Sekarang nyaris 12500 gambar terkumpul!

Sukses buat Anda!


Minggu, 10 April 2011

Super Caleg

Siang ini, mencari data 'Saras 008' di GOOGLE eh... menemukan gambar ini. Diambil dari blog. Blog SANG PENGAMPUN.

Gambar nomor 1373 : Cyclops dari X-men,

A X-men member : Cyclops. Visit my PHOTOBUCKET album to view some X-Men pictures. This picture taken from one of our Tabloid for kids titled "HOOPLA", 1996.

Update (tambah artikel dari album Photobucket-ku) ke blog COUNTING MY FANTASY PICTURES.

Selasa, 05 April 2011

Green Latern - film

Green Lantern adalah salah satu Jagoan DC Comics yang kesaktiannya bisa menandingi Superman, selain Wonder Woman dan Captain Marvel. bahkan dengan Power Ringnya Ia mampu menggeserkan Bumi dari orbitnya.

kisah originalnya pasti sudah sangat dikenal para Fans Green Lantern. yaitu saat Hal Jordan yang bekerja sebagai pilot pesawat prototype dipanggil oleh Abin Sur, seorang Alien anggota Green Lantern Corps yang tengah sekarat.

Selengkapnya : baca di blog teman saya di mana saya mengambil gambar ini.

Gambar diambil dari blog temanku : INDIRO A PRAMUDHITA.