Jumat, 15 April 2011

Motor Mouth - The Real Superhero Life

He’s all talk. And all action to back it up. He’s Motor Mouth, a Real Life Superhero working in and around the East Bay/San Francisco area in California. From domestic violence in The City’s notorious Tenderloin, to street thugs running rampant in Oakland, to those who prey on the weak and homeless in San Jose, the one thing he never has done—and never will do—is sit idly by, even if it means taking the occasional risk of potentially physical confrontation, as it had recently, when riots broke out on the streets of Oakland after the verdict in the Oscar Grant case.

In July of 2010, violence broke out when Police Officer Johannes Mehsurle was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter—a controversial ruling in a case tinged with serious racial overtones—in the shooting death of an unarmed African American man, Oscar Grant. As the police were deployed to quell the looting and mayhem, Motor Mouth knew he had to do something—and promptly sprang into action. “We went to Oakland, we defended its businesses, we protected its people, and were bold in what we did. The Bay is our home, and we stood our ground and stood up for it.”

Visit his complete article here.

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